Cats and Moons - The Day Before Tax Day


Playing around with the E-1 and Lulu. Needed the break. Lulu seems to be on a constant break. What's funny is that my wife saw this opportunity before I did. I just walked up with the camera and pressed the shutter a few times. My wife has a strong art background, and would have become an artist if her father hadn't passed away when she was 19. But life changed and she turned to English and teaching. Because my wife is my biggest photography fan, I "pay her back" as it were by listening to her suggestions about what to take. She's usually right.

Full Moon 17 April 2011

This is probably the last moon image I'll make with this lens. I'm breaking down and ordering an EC-14 for my 50-200mm. I'll use the OM300mm for a while longer, then maybe give it to my youngest daughter.


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