On Tuesday

Early Morning Ride

The day before had been long, dark, rainy, dreary. Depressing. This morning, the clouds were riding low and fast, skirting over the highway, given birth by all the moisture dumped the day before. The sun kept breaking through in odd little places.

The problem riding eastward into work in the morning is you get the full effect of the sun in your eyes unless it's overcast. This in-and-out hiding is probably worse than full sun. Clouds cover the sun and the daylight dims down to a comfortable level. Then the sun quickly uncovers and you're staring right back into full sunlight. Gives the old irises a real workout.

Preferred Parking

Pull into work and pull into one of the hybrid vehicle preferred parking spots. Unless you get there reasonably early, most (if not all) of the slots are taken by tattered little student-mobiles; we have a population of interns from nearby U.C.F.

Fenced In

Behind the eight-foot steel perimeter fence surrounding the building and through those windows sits one of my office cubes.

Watching for Vehicles

What the typical student pedestrian faces when trying to cross Alafaya to U.C.F. Six lanes of swirling traffic. And a timer with a short cycle. Blood sport at its finest.

Mass Traffic

More of the same, except this time at a major intersection at the entrance to the university. I'm on the way back to my primary office and a quick lunch.

Ugly Lunch

Nasty but good. Fries are just a convenient way to eat ketchup anyway.


Everything taken with the Olympus E-1 and the Sigma 30mm at ISO 100 except for the last photo, which was taken with my cell phone. Same resolution as my E-1, even same ISO, but a world of difference IQ-wise. Yet, as they say, the best camera is the one you have with you.


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