Dear Spammers: Bugger Off

The worse example occurred earlier this year when some persistent spammer kept trying to post, repeatedly, the same spam to the same blog entry. And when I say persistent I mean at least ten times. In this particular case they were attempting to spam "Suse 10.2, Part 3: Looking at KDE." For some reason it became the target of blog spam, and it eventually forced me to close the comments and have them mailed to me for moderation. Since that time I've had the odd blog spam come tumbling through, the last being against "NetBeans 6 Beta 1 nano review." Every single time I get a spam comment, I nuke it.
I like my little corner of the blogosphere. It's peaceful and quiet. Folks that show up and comment are polite and thoughtful, even those of a contrary opinion. I have no ads on my sight because I hate web advertising of any stripe, and I intend to keep my blog clean. If you're a spammer and you're here to piggy-back off my ever-so-rare and fleeting fame (high ranking) then you'll be sorely disappointed. Don't bother. Go away.
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