Monday Lunch Walkabout

Mid-day is warm and hazy. It's Monday, the day before American Tax Day. After yesterday's little walk down memory lane about the A300 I decided to run through a series of photos in the E-P2 without benefit of elaborate post tinkering. I'm in something of a rebellious mood. I've had this camera for a good two years and I've yet to really exercise all its capabilities. All that money spent so I can deliberately restrict myself. What a waste of time and money.

Today I just said to hell with it. Grabbed the E-P2 with the 20 and the 45 and went walking to lunch. Played with the camera's art filters, shot everything in 6:6 aspect ratio, took it straight JPEG out of the camera, posted it directly to Blogger. Bypassed the entire post processing process; Lightroom and Flickr. I'll let you, the dear reader, figure out which art filter I used.


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