I told you so

I wrote in an earlier post how I thought Dell's selling of Ubuntu was a joke. The number of machines was limited to exactly three (yes, three), with very little in the way of options. Turns out that folks who wanted to purchase them for business use can't get Dell's Complete Care for them, while another hopeful buyer couldn't even purchase one for business use.

Yeah. Dell knows how to sell Linux. Dell is really committed to Linux. Sure they are.

You want to know what Dell is committed to? Making money. Being number one. Making money and being number one with Microsoft products (and Intel for that matter). Here's what landed in my Yahoo inbox today. Dell goplay, where Dell ties XBox 360 gaming into their latest gaming PC running - Windows Vista. I get Dell spam all the time selling Wintel. I have yet to get one email from Dell selling Ubuntu on Dell hardware. Not one. Dell's Ubuntu site will stay up just long enough to satisfy the critics, until the critics tire and move on to something else. Then Ubuntu on Dell will go quietly into the night, with little more than a footnote here or there to mark its passing.


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