Ruby and Max

Orlando Diary

Ruby went to the vet this past Saturday to have her weight and blood checked. Max, of course, tagged along. You can't take one without the other; they're thick as thieves. Even though we arrived at 8am that morning, as luck would have it there were other patients ahead of us, such as this little Spaniel sitting behind the feet of the owner. The Spaniel warily eyed the Traveling Twosome, while the twosome kept trying to go over and visit. Eventually they sat down and then Max leaned over onto Ruby's shoulder, where I got this shot. You can almost hear the little characters gossiping.

Sitting in the waiting room, checking things out

It wasn't long before an examination room opened up for us, and we all went tramping in, going through a gauntlet of staff stooping down to rub Ruby's and Max's heads and making a general fuss over them, especially Ruby.

Max watches over Ruby

Max kept his eye on Ruby the whole time we were in the exam room. The vet who helped Ruby when she first fell ill came in to check her out and give her rubs. We were happy to get the report back that Ruby is indeed loosing weight, and at a healthy rate. Right now we're feeding her Science Diet r/d, which is what the vet carries and what Gainesville strongly recommended.

Oh the way out a very nice female Standard Poodle was waiting her turn to go in. Max, of course, immediately zeroed in on the Standard. Ruby, as usual, started to give Max a lot of attention and kisses. The owner of the Standard kept remarking how much Ruby loved Max. I didn't have the heart to point out that Max had taken an instant infatuation with the Standard, and Ruby was desperately trying to remind Max that Ruby was there first.

Such is life with Labs.


The reason we'd gone to the vet on Saturday was so that they could run blood work on a sample from Ruby. The results came back this evening. Everything is back to normal, specifically her red blood count (RBC), white blood count (WBC) and her platelet count. All of those had crashed 48 hours after the incident started, with the platelet count going so low by early Tuesday that it was essentially zero. Those are the kind numbers that scare you. Although DIC stands for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, it's also informally known as Death Is Coming and Dead In Cage.

It was, indeed, a miracle that brought Ruby back.

Equipment Used
Olympus E-P2, M.Zuiko 17mm


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