North Korean Satellite Launch Epic FAIL

Right now the North Koreans are claiming (along with the Russians, who should know better) that the North Korean Commies did indeed loft a satellite into orbit "transmitting the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of Gen. Kim Il Sung' and 'Song of Gen. Kim Jong Il' as well as measurement data back to Earth." Riiight.
My only regret is that the North Koreans barely had enough good sense to shoot their new rocket away from important Japanese targets and every other target of value. Both Japan and the U.S. were primed and ready to shoot that sucker down. I believe they should have, just on general principal. After all, we invaded Iraq on little more than faulty intel and wishful thinking, a far more costly adventure. Compared to that a rocket shootdown is nothing, a mere trifle.
But it gives us an opportunity to practice international political posturing while simultaneously rattling our rusting sabers towards North Korea. While North Korea, which can't even keep the lights on at night, backed by China and Russia in this game of global gamesmanship, gives us the virtual finger and dares us to really do something besides talk.
Link: North Korea's Satellite Launch: Fail?
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