Linux Mint 6 KDE on europa

After my surprising success with Linux Mint 5, I was emboldened enough download Mint 6 KDE Live DVD and give it a whirl (note: it's too large to fit on a blank CD, so it must be burned on a DVD).

It's a good thing europa has two DVD drives. The primary is a NEC ND-2510A player/burner. The secondary is a LITE-ON LTC-48161H DVD player/CD burner. Mint 5 had no problems booting on the NEC drive. Mint 6 failed with the NEC but succeeded with the LITE-ON. Both Mint 5 and 6 were burned with the NEC. This is not the first distro that has failed to boot with the NEC using the latest kernel. Ubuntu in particular did this.

As to be expected Mint 6 KDE booted up with the KDE 4.2 desktop. Nothing spectacular about Mint's KDE desktop, except that performance was usable if not spectacular. Which is a far cry from what happened when I upgraded to the final release of KDE 4.2 on openSUSE 11.1. With Mint 6 I was able to see all my older disk drives and areas. I was able to double click my ripped movies and watch them, except this time MPlayer played back the files. I them popped in a DVD (Over the Hedge), and Dragon Player was the DVD player of choice. So far everything worked fine, just like it did for Mint 5.

Then I went over to The Daily Show website, and it worked flawlessly as well (see right). The Daily Show wouldn't play back within Mint 5's Firefox browser, in part due to the older version of Flash embedded with the Mint 5 live CD. I suspect that it would have been upgraded if I had installed Mint 5, but seeing John Stewart's smiling face gives me hope that I can join the rest of cyber civilization with at least one Linux distribution.

John Stewart on Mint. Life is indeed good.


  1. I smiled when you reported your success and pleasure after installing Mint 5 on Europa as I used Mint 5 with the same satisfaction between mint 4 and mint 6 - I had some problems with Mint 6 at first - mainly my own hardware - but it runs sweet now. The only reason I moved from Mint 5 to Mint 6 was that I wanted to try the 64bit option and because like you I am always looking for that Nirvana - an even better operating system LOL - Welcome back to Linux Bill. :-)

  2. Bill, have you tried the latest Factory builds of KDE4?

    I had pleasant experiences with openSUSE-Factory-KDE4-LiveCD-i586-i686-Build0050-Media.iso.


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