Hey Google: How About A Page Template Editor?

Finally had enough with some of the annoying nits of this blog's page template to do something about it. I had to go hunt down where the ordered list and unordered list XHTML tags were being defined in the style sheet for this particular page template and modify those styles. It's one thing to pick a graphic for the unordered bullet, it's another to pick a graphic for an ordered (enumerated) list. When I want a numbered list in my posts, I want a numbered list in my posts (see the post preceding this one for what I mean). Right now the slight tweaks have removed that graphic bullet everywhere.

I have a suggestion for Google. Take some of those card-carrying PhDs you have working on the neat stuff and have them whip up a nice template editor, or better yet, a complete template composition tool. Yes, you'd get some hideous pages. But the system is already pretty easy to correct anyway. All I have to do is reset my messes by picking another stock template and then start over. Editing the template's raw HTML is a royal pain in the ass when it's in an unadorned text box. Give us something very similar to the tool used now to compose posts. Please?


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