Building PHP 5.3.2 on RHEL 5.3 with MySQL 5.1.44-community

Just a fast note on how I built PHP 5.3.2 on 64-bit RHEL 5.3 (before I forget).

I'm building with:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.3 64-bit on a Dell 690
  • Apache httpd 2.2.15 (built from source)
  • MySQL 5.1.44-community 64-bit (installed from RPM)
  • PHP 5.3.2 (built from source)
 My PHP configure line:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php.5.3.2 --with-apxs2=/usr/local/http.2.2.15/bin/apxs --with-libdir=lib64 --with-mysql

The biggest show-stopper was PHP's initial configuration failure to note it was running on a 64-bit system and failing to find various 64-bit MySQL libraries automagically (which I think it should). I had to bumble around via Google for several days (between tasks in my Real Job) before I finally found the solution. After adding 'with-libdir=lib64' it configured and built.

I ran 'make test' and let the system check itself out, and it turns out I 'may have found a problem with PHP.' So I've sent in the test report. But from what I could see the failures (it that's what they were) were extremely few and very obscure.

Now on to installation, configuration, and running an internal wiki.


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