Mt Dora

Piglets Pantry
Words of Doggy Wisdom
After our second trip to Renningers we drove across 441 to the historic section of Mt. Dora and the Palm Tree Grill and Bar for lunch. It was good and filling, and reasonably priced considering the quality of the interior. When we finished we walked across the intersection to Piglet's Pantry Dog Bakery to have a look. Piglet's, according to the sign at the door, has been in business since 1997. Piglet's was named after the owner's Greyhound. When we left we'd picked up some treats for the Labs and the cats. Based on what we saw and how the Labs and cats took to the treats, we'll be back.
The Lost Parrot
Directly across the street from Palm Tree Grill is The Lost Parrot, another bar and grill. I remember this location fro 2003. That year I was trying to train for an M&S road ride, and one of the training rides was to Mt. Dora. We stopped at this location for lunch and to rest. It wasn't called The Lost Parrot back then. I went looking for this business on Google Maps, and found that before it was The Lost Parrot it was The Frosty Mug. I don't know how old the Google Maps information of the area is, so I have no idea when it changed. I can't recall if it was The Frosty Mug back in 2003. If you look at The Lost Parrot hanging from the doorway, you'll see where the current owners painted over the original brick red with light green.
Building Still Life
On the way back to where we'd parked I saw this collection of architecture and stopped to grab a photo. I knew as soon as I saw it that the only way to process it was in black and white.
I felt the same way when I saw this Harley parked next to the Palm Tree. And after working with the photo in post processing I came close to achieving the "look" I've seen in Ming Thein's black and white work. I say close. Going back and looking I still have a long long way to go before I can match his technique, not his images.


Everything taken with the E-PL2 and the Leica 25mm. Basically it was a Leica lens weekend, except for Sunday morning. I can't deny it, I love what that lens can do on all three Pen bodies. If Panasonic were to come out with any other Leica branded lenses I think I'd buy them as well.


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