A Pair of Classics

You can rave all you want about the newest that 2012 has to offer, but I still find myself drawn to what Olympus delivered back in 2003. The Olympus E-1 had its genesis back in February 2001 when Olympus and Kodak announced a joint venture to develop new digital photographic technology. Olympus provided the lens expertise while Kodak provided the sensor. Under the right conditions, shooting at ISO 100, and with the Zuiko Digital 2/50mm macro, that "old" camera can produce some mighty sweet results. All of this with just five "puny" megapixels. I've shot with 10 and 12 and higher on other brands, but I still keep coming back to this combination of camera and lens. I will never truly appreciate all that this camera can do, and that extends to all the other cameras I have. Why do I keep constantly chasing the new when the current I have in hand co still do so much? What is it I'm supposedly not getting?

Long live the E-1.


  1. Moved up to an E-5, still get the E-1 out when the conditions are perfect, its a solid keeper


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