Back to Renningers

Saturday my wife and I went back up to Renningers to do a Fergus run. I came prepared this time with the E-P2 plus 45mm and the E-PL2 plus 25mm. Renningers was a lot more crowded this weekend than two weeks ago. As a consequence Fergus was a bundle of pure energy as he went about his duties meeting and greeting everyone. As a consequence I got absolutely no photographs worth keeping of the little character. Because the E-PL2 has a built-in flash and can remotely control both of my FL50Rs, I'm planning on going back and using them to more "formally" photograph Fergus. All this for a Scotty.

I went around the same general area as the last time, looking for little vignettes to photograph. Before you ask every one of these were taken with the E-PL2 and the Leica 25mm. I enjoyed taking these photographs because of the challenging lighting, and I enjoyed post processing them for the same reason. I am no Lightroom expert, but I have really developed an appreciation of the tool. I need to dig down further and hone my technique with this tool and the Pen system as a whole. Lord knows the Pens aren't perfect, but that doesn't mean they aren't enjoyable to use. For me their small size trumps everything, good and bad, across all camera brands.


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