Fooling Around with the 25mm Early One Evening

Crop of 737What you're looking at is a Boeing 737-700 (or there abouts). Why do I feel this is the aircraft type? Because of the large swooping winglets at the tips of the wings and the twin engines, one on each wing towards the center of the fuselage. I captured this late yesterday while waiting to be seated at a local Bonefish Grill. I was out just fooling around, trying to capture some interesting sky images with the Leica µ4/3rds 25mm and the Olympus E-PL2. This is an extreme crop of 163 x 122 pixels out of 4K by 3K. The crop is in 4:3 aspect ratio.

I suppose if I'd been using the Olympus E-M5 I could have picked out the aircraft livery and told you what airline it was flying with. But the fact that that little E-PL2 with the 25mm picked out this much detail I find amazing. I would also note that this was taken from the far edge of the image (see below). Image was taken with the E-PL2, ISO 200, f/4, 1/2,500s, -1EV. You might not think it's cool, but I think it's cool. For a minute, while chimping the image, I thought it was a piece of dirt on the sensor or the lens, until I started to enlarge that section in the camera.
The Sky, Early Evening
Can you spot the jet? Look at the very top edge midway between left and center.


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