The Economy, Version 2012 #3

Economies are complicated. Orlando's economy is no different in that regard. Sections that show decay sit check-by-jowl next to sections that show dynamism and growth. Case in point is the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts that is currently being built in the center of downtown between Orange Avenue, Rosalind Avenue, E. South Street and the 408. I drove downtown early afternoon and spent about 45 minutes walking about and documenting the current state of the area, hopefully with a little unique creativity.

This current project isn't without its controversy (with this much money, what isn't?) There's a tug-of-war going on with funding this project and renovations with the Citrus Bowl. The Performing Arts Center needs another $75 million to fund a complete construction, but the funding has been slow to come in this tough economy. Meanwhile, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Orange County Mayor Theresa Jacobs struck a deal to try and raise $175 million to renovate the Citrus Bowl. All this after having spent millions to build the newer bigger Amway Center just across I-4 from The Performing Arts Center. Makes you wonder how all of this is going to be finished, when it will be finished, or if it will reach full and intended completion.

In spite of the 4th at least one of the cranes were in operation today. And a crew was working on the site. As I stood around watching and photographing I saw the higher crane move material from one part of the site to the other. A lot of the heavy construction sites are allowing overtime, although it looks like there aren't that many workers at any time. I suspect that for whatever reason the construction crews all over are working a bit lean. But at least they're working, and I hope making some pretty good money.


Went out with both Pens. The E-PL1 had the 45mm, while the E-P2 had the Panasonic 14mm. I wound up selecting all my final shots from the E-PL1 and the 45mm, not because the E-PL1 was somehow superior, but because I liked what the 45's field of view produced. Everything was raw and post processed in LightRoom 4.1.


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