Industrial Photography

Rails on Rails
Driving up and down 414 to Mt. Dora, I passed this locomotive and the industrial area. The problem is I'd drive past it in the morning when the lighting was good, then drive past it in the early afternoon when the sun was on the other side and casting it all in shadow. So today I got up early enough to do my chores around the house, then I drove my wife up to a service at RDV in Maitland. After dropping her off I continued across Maitland to the newly built 441 and on back up to this spot, where I stopped and spent about 30 minutes just walking about and photographing.
Flatcar Connector
I carried all three Pens, and probably looked like something of a dork while doing it. But on a Sunday morning, with little traffic and nobody at work, it didn't matter. I came away with photos taken with the 17mm, the 45mm, and the 25mm. As silly as it might sound, carrying three Pens with lenses is a lot lighter than carrying the E-3 with the 12-60mm. Seriously.
Cab Inland Lakes Railway
Inland Lakes Railway Long Shot
Under the Bridge 3
The bridge construction sits next to the locomotive's location. I switched to black and white photography for everything. I wanted to check out the sensor's capability to capture as much tonality as possible. I managed to loose highlight detail in the skies on both of these photographs, but kept the detail I was looking for on the lit surfaces as well as in the shadows.
Under the Bridge 1


Most of these were taken with the M.Zuiko 17mm. The top black and white bridge shot was taken with the 25mm. The long shot of the locomotive was taken with the 45mm. Everything post processed in Lightroom 4.1 and Silver Efex Pro 2.


Given enough time I'm sure I'll grow tired of the Pens. But right now this little collection of bodies and lenses has lit a fire inside that has me photographing and writing like crazy. This makes the fifth entry I've written in one day, and that's something of a personal record. This also makes the 37th entry for one month. I haven't posted this many monthly entries since January and February of last year, when I posted 43 entries for each of those months. There's still nine more days left in July, so I have plenty of time to meet, if not exceed, those records.


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