We Won

I am a Democrat living in Florida. For the last eight years I've suffered under a Republican governor, that other Bush, Dubya's older bubba Jeb. We got another Republican this time, so we're still held hostage to the Republican ideal of bad government. But I take solace in the knowledge that at least we Democrats swept through both houses of Congress, and that was a very good thing indeed.

I waited before gloating over the Democratic national victory because of the hard lesson learned during the presidential election debacle of 2000. I wanted to make sure all the votes were properly counted, especially in Virginia. Patience is a virtue.

We Democrats have both the national House and Senate. President Bush's legislative rubber-stamp is gone. I was especially pleased to see how Bill Nelson stomped Catherine Harris: he got 60% of the vote compared to her 38%. I'd say that's a serious landslide, and Harris got buried good and deep. The other welcome Democratic win was Tim Mahoney over Mark Foley. Foley was forced to resign when it was revealed he sent lurid emails and instant text messages to teenage boys working as congressional pages.


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