Eight track blast from the past

You know you've lived too long when you find part of your old eight-track tape collection buried in a box. A box you haven't seen since before you were married and moved to Florida (both in 1984). So what did this cardboard time capsule contain? Well, there's coolness points (I suppose) for Jethro Tull (Too Old To Rock 'N' Roll: Too Young To Die!), Janis Ian (Miracle Row), a couple from Phoebe Snow, Chuck Mangione, Herb Alpert, Art Garfunkle (Watermark), Diana Ross and Ramsey Lewis. Many of those names are still out there, and I hear about them on WLOQ primarily. But then I lost all my coolness points when I found one (1) Discomania (Original Hits!) eight track.

I owned and listened to eight track tapes while I owned my used 67 Chevy Nova from 1973 to 1978. It was in 78 that I finally had enough cash and a decent enough job to buy a brand new 1978 Honda Civic CVCC (how I still miss that car). I think that's when the tapes went in the box, on the off-chance that one day I'd have suitable stereo equipment to move all those songs off the eight tracks and onto reel-to-reel tapes. Of course that never happened; soon after that my money started getting sucked up by personal computer equipment.

Now my project is to find an old eight track player (ebay maybe?) and rip them to MP3s. Yeah. What a combination.


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