Nokia 770 notes from the field

I'm still toting my Nokia 770 around, and it still garners the occasional "what is it" question when I'm using it, along with the "will it make phone calls" question. When I have to tell them they have to install a VoIP app and find a wireless access point to make calls, interest quickly dries up. That's when I notice all the Treos and Blackberries being carried by everybody standing around.

I've started to get random crashes again. I don't know if it's due to bad web sites (a lot of them occur with the browser) or slowly aging hardware (some of them just occur when I pull the cover off). I've uninstalled MediaStreamer for the second (and final) time. It's just pure junk. I grabbed and installed LCARS PADD v1.0.1 theme via maemo. It was kind of fun to see it in action, but it's not completely thought out, especially with its black background. There were some applications that did not show up very well. What follows are two of the better screen shots.

The only real problem with this theme is the inability to switch away from it. I tried to go back to my original theme and background, only to see the left side icons disappear. The only way to completely switch away from LCARS was to remove the package and then select my prior setup. I don't know if this is a problem with the package or the 770 software.


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