Road Trip, Day 13

Monument to the first shot fired at the Battle of Gettysburg, Hwy 30 and Knoxlyn Road
The day was a perfect Pennsylvania early fall day. It started crisp and cool and warmed nicely as the day progressed. The sky was cloudless and blue. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to spend in the Gettysburg Military Park. We came across the first shot marker by accident. While the marker is documented, its location is not. We were coming north up Knoxlyn after having gotten onto to it accidentally. My wife saw it an instant before I did. I drove east a bit on 30, then turned off to park and walk back to photograph the marker. It was probably the high point of my day.

For the most part we drove slowly through the park, stopping to get out and observe, then photograph part of the area, then get back in and drive some more. As I said yesterday I don't know how anyone can get through the park in just 2 1/2 hours. It took us a day and a half to barely see all of it, and towards the end we began to rush as the sun really began to set.
One of many tour groups in the park
Horseback tour group with President Eisenhower residence in the background
Working to maintain one of the many field pieces in the park
The Devil's Den
That is going to have to do it for today. I have a tremendous number of photographs to work with when I get back. All of these are essentially SOOC "draft" photos. I need to organize, catalog, and post process through Lightroom.

This is essentially the end of the vacation. We intend to spend the next two days driving out of Pennsylvania back to Florida. Very few photos (I'm about burned out from the trip). But it has been an excellent road trip. I've experienced quite a bit, and learned even more.


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