Road Trip, Day 12

Reynolds Ave N, Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg Pennsylvania
Another long day, not so much from traveling as from looking at and photographing Gettysburg National Military Park. Just like Niagara, but for vastly different reasons, one must travel to Gettysburg to fully appreciate what happened there during the Battle of Gettysburg from 1 to 3 July 1863. Its immense overwhelming beauty, with the breezes moving through the trees and the constant low accompaniment of chirping crickets, forms a background to all the monuments that line the roads running through the park. Moving through the park you quickly develop the feeling that it is all hallowed ground, not just the cemetery.

The day started out innocently enough with a stop-over at an Amish store on 15 near the Susquehanna River. My wife picked up a few Amish-made items to take home. While she was doing that I was moving around and photographing some of the scenes around the store.
 With the stopover at Weaver's Farm Market, it took us about 2 1/2 hours to reach Gettysburg. It took us about two hours just to get started driving through the park, then a half hour for lunch, then another three to four more hours of just driving and looking. They say you can tour the park in just 2 1/2 hours. I don't see how. We're staying another full day at Gettysburg so I can spend the entire day just moving around and reading history, as well as watching the light from sunup to sundown move over the park itself. I could spend a week in Gettysburg. Since it will be a while before I get back (if ever) tomorrow will be an intense session. In the mean time, here's a bit of what I have.


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