I'm Turning Into a Bokehnut

Mandevilla Bokeh Experiment 7
Version A-1
Mandevilla Bokeh Experiment 6
Version A-2
Mandevilla Bokeh Experiment 5
Mandevilla Bokeh Experiment 4
Version B-1
Mandevilla Bokeh Experiment 3
Version B-2

I can't seem to leave well enough alone. Once again the mandevillas combined with the late afternoon sun to create a glorious blaze of color in the backyard. I'm not the only one to notice, either. We're getting butterflies and at least one hummingbird.

All of these were taken with the Olympus E-PL1 and the Olympus OM 1.4/50mm. I tried a sequence with the M.Zuiko 45mm, but they came out too sharp. I never thought I'd write a blog post complaining that the photos were too sharp, even wide open. There's a time and a place for everything, but the 45mm may not be the right lens for this kind of photography, at least not all the time.

All of the photos were minimally processed. The only heavily processed photo is Version b-2, where I deliberately lightened the photo to increase the light-filled airy atmosphere. But all of the photos are different shots, separated by mere moments, if not mere seconds between exposures.

I need to find more flower subjects, more views, and practice more. You'll probably get sick of seeing this before I do, but after shooting so hard and dark for so long this is just too compelling a way to shoot for me to give it up just yet.


  1. Bill, don't you know that you can't create soft, out-of-focus backgrounds with anything less than a Full Frame sensor?

  2. I'm just too dumb to know any better I guess.

  3. If you would spend more time on DPReview, instead of galavanting around the countryside taking photos and enjoying your cameras, then you wouldn't run into these difficulties.


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