

I've managed to grow orchids now for nearly eight years. Some of them have been around since I started this sorta-hobby, while many have died and been replaced. These were sent to my wife four years ago by my parents as a get-well gift when my wife had her second knee replacement on the same knee. This year in particular the orchids put out two spectacular bloom stalks, with this the second. I took a photograph of the stalk back in mid-April when the first two blooms had opened. Since then nearly all of the buds have opened and the stalk is a riot of color.


This afternoon when I came home and as I was outside grilling supper I happened to see the setting sun bath them with golden hour light, transforming them at the top. Within 15 minutes the sun had set further and the glow of the blooms had deepened due to the light. I don't know which is more accurate. I don't really care.



First two taken with the KT E-1 and Zuiko Digital 50mm. Bottom taken with the E-P2 and M.Zuiko 45mm. All post processed in LR4.


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