

Matthew Robertson has created another site showcasing his excellent creativity. He's named it 5kphoto, and it's a very interesting spot on the web indeed. According to Matthew
This is my daily photography project. The rules are:

• Take at least one photo a day with my compact digital camera.
• Upload as many as possible to a dedicated gallery.
• Post one of each days' photos to this blog.
• The project ends when the gallery reaches 5000 photos.

Some of the fine print:

– There will be a built-in delay between taking and publishing each photo.
– If the camera dies, that will also end the project.

My goal is to have this project train me to always have and use a little digital point-and-shoot.
My hope is that the project will form a record of a significant period of time, and give me a reason to be adventurous again.

I've picked the Panasonic TS3, in orange, as a reliable camera that's not too big and gives decent quality. I'm not aiming for art, but hopefully some of it will be interesting.
Go look. It's worth it. And then go back again and again, and watch his project evolve.


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