Angels of mercy in America

In an earlier post ("The horrors of Iraq") I raged against the monsters who burned a five year old boy. A CNN story now reports that he's coming to America to be treated for his burns, and hopefully, to be given his life back. In a nutshell:
Shortly after Youssif's story aired Wednesday, the Children's Burn Foundation -- a nonprofit organization based in Sherman Oaks, California, that provides support for burn victims locally, nationally and internationally -- agreed to pay for the transportation for Youssif and his family to come to the United States and to set up a fund for donations.

You can make a donation at the foundation's site by clicking here. There's a drop-down menu under the "general donation" area that is marked "Youssif's fund."

The foundation says it will cover all medical costs -- from surgeries for Youssif to housing costs to any social rehabilitation that might be needed for him. Surgeries will be performed by Dr. Peter Grossman, a plastic surgeon with the affiliated Grossman Burn Center who is donating his services for Youssif's cause.
Please make a donation if you can. And pray for him and his family that they travel safely to America and to a brighter future.


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