new year, new post
Happy New Year. Just a very quick entry to prove to myself that the one and only post for 2014 (and the last post chronologically) wasn't a fluke. It's also the briefest of outlines for what might be in store for 2015 and beyond.
I've been collecting Olympus gear, specifically OM-D cameras and prime lenses. The one you see above is my last lens acquisition, the M.Zuiko 1.8/17mm. Since that time I've picked up two new camera bodies, a second E-M5 and an E-M10. The photo above was taken with the Panasonic GX1 and the Olympus 45mm.
With the three OM-Ds I have enough bodies to mount all my favorite lenses, and to just roam about taking photos without changing lenses. Sometimes I'll just take one of the bodies with a specific lens and just use it exclusively.
This coming year I intend to start another photo project using just the OM-D bodies (the GX1 was given away, along with the Panasonic 20mm). I want to do something along the lines of Matthew Robertson's 5Kphoto project. There's a link to it at the right, but unfortunately all the photos seem to have disappeared. But perhaps that's actually a good thing. The last thing I need is to use Matthews project as a crutch instead of inspiration, or to unconsciously plagiarise his work.
Regardless I'm going to be posting in two blogs, this one and the Arcane Science Lab. The photo project will be here, while the rest of my bloviating will go to the ASL.
Here's to an interesting 2015.
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