sunday in seattle

seattle sunday stroll
This is my trip report for the second, and possibly last, day trip to Seattle. I would have written this earlier but I've been busy and at the end of the day I'm tired. The biggest reason I didn't write this up on Sunday evening after I got back was because I had a week's worth of dirty laundry I had to wash and dry before the start of my second (of three) weeks here in Dupont. So here I am writing about an event three days after it happened...

There's a lot to like about Seattle. It's a dense, compact, multi-level city. When I say multi-level I'm not referring to its skyscrapers, I'm referring to the steps and levels that exist from the harbor up to First and the San Francisco-like steep streets that run east-to-west through the center of the city. I had a great time walking through Seattle centered around the Seattle Art Museum and the section of First that ran roughly north and south for a good 10 blocks in either direction.

Seattle is a city filled with people. Not overly crowded, like say Downtown Disney, but a lively city with a lot of folks moving and walking around. Yes, it has a lot of vehicles, but it also has a lot of pedestrians; the drivers respect the pedestrians, allowing you to enjoy walking around Seattle.

Seattle is an outdoors city. Many local restaurants and taverns had outdoor sections for patrons to congregate, and they were full. Seattle isn't hot and muggy like Orlando is right now. The weather has been and continues to be comfortable and pleasant, the ideal let's-sit-outside-and-eat weather.

Seattle is a beautiful city with a lot of history, or at least it is to my jaded eyes. Seattle is real, not made up and "themed in" like Disney or Universal. It is a city of considerable substance and great appeal. It may have its problems (what city doesn't), but it has incredible energy and potential.

Seattle is a congenial city, at least when I was out walking. Seattle has its share of asshole drivers, and I met a few on the road, but even asshole Seattle drivers are mild compared to the variety that infest the roads in Orlando. Maybe it's the (lack of) quality tourists Orlando attracts. I've met plenty of nice natives in Orlando. I just can't stand to drive I-4... any more than I can stand to drive I-5...

Seattle is one more reminder that I'm getting older and I need to get out and do a lot more traveling and experiencing of the world before I can't anymore.
seattle sunday stroll
seattle sunday stroll
seattle sunday stroll
seattle sunday stroll
seattle sunday stroll - miners landing
seattle sunday stroll - the trumpeter
seattle sunday stroll

Everything taken with the E-M5 and the 12 to 50mm zoom.


  1. These are really nice Bill. Sounds like a good place.

    1. Thank you Wolfgang. Seattle is a nice place. Now I need an excuse to visit Germany :):)


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