android development on windows 8, step 1

Nexus 7 emulation on left, Eclipse on the right, all hosted on Windows 8
With some time on my hands I'm building a new Android development capability, this time with Android 4.2.2 and my Nexus 7 tablet as the target device. In the past I was targeting Android 2.3 and my Android smartphone, the HTC myTouch 4G. I have several Android projects I'm pursuing that require a tablet as the platform. I intend to target Android 4.2.2 and later; there'll be no backwards compatibility.

So far I'm using the emulator that ships with the SDK. I've yet to try to tie my Nexus 7 hardware into this. I will say this, when the directions on the Google site say not to build the device from the command line with the SDK, but build it from the Eclipse IDE, they mean it. I tried to build everything from the command line, and when it came time to try it from the IDE it kept failing because it couldn't find the emulator image. I had to delete both the initial SDK and Eclipse install and then reinstall everything, following the directions. Once I did that then everything works properly from the IDE.
First simple project, "Hello World", running in emulator
Setting up an initial project is ridiculously easy. The default Android project under Eclipse creates a complete set of skeleton file within which to work. The project files are complete enough to display "Hello World" when compiled and executed (hence the name of the first project, which I selected).

Android SDK:
Eclipse IDE:


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