Sony's 50mm Wonder

I won't be the first person to comment negatively on Sony's latest lens , the Carl Zeiss T* 1.4/50mm for the α DSLT series. A lens that costs $1,500 US. I won't be the first to question why I should buy a heavily plasticized 50mm lens for that much, especially from Sony. I will try to be a bit more reserved, more " fair and balanced " in my criticisms. Carl Zeiss didn't build the lens itself. It's a "Carl Zeiss Optics and Planar Design ," meaning that it was built by Sony or a Sony partner ODM . Looking at the Big Two (Canon and Nikon) for comparison, I find the most expensive Nikon 50mm is the NIKKOR 50mm f/1.2 AIS manual focus lens for a measly $650, while Canon wants to sell you an EF 50mm f/1.2L USM autofocus lens for $1,500 US. Of course the Canon supporters will tell you their $1,500 50mm is worth every penny. Every. Penny. So maybe Sony is jealous of Canon. This isn't the first Sony/Carl Zeiss expensive lens. The last time I clut...