
Example Narrow DoF 1I'm going to pull off for a while, probably for the rest of August. I've already written 240 posts so far this year, counting this post. I need the chance to recharge and reorganize a bit. Perhaps by the first of September I'll be more motivated enough to write something worth reading. I may even change to writing weekly instead of daily, or more than daily.

The word 'blog' is a portmanteau of the term 'web log', which is itself a corruption of the idea of the hand written diary, kept back in the day when people knew how to write and keep a written diary. In spite of the subject matter, this is a personal diary, although not nearly as personal as it could be; no mention of sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll, for example. I still do, on occasion, keep personal information in written form in a diary.

The written diary doesn't have the rich multimedia capabilities that a blog can have, even one composed of text and still images. The blog is far more approachable, far easier to correct than the written version. At least for me. I guess that's just another way of saying how lazy I've gotten, that I prefer typing into a text box on a blog site rather than more thoughtful writing by hand in a bound diary or log. Writing in a blog is too unrestrained, too easy to make public. Similar to what digital photography has become.


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