E-1 Experiment #4

This experiment involved the use of the KT E-1 with an Olympus OM 28mm 1:2.8 lens mounted via an Olympus MF-1 adapter. I had them lying in the drawer, the OM 28mm because I had no use for it at the moment, the E-1 because it had taken on something of an "aura" due to its genesis and was thus a bit afraid to "tarnish" it. I pulled the two out, put them together, and started playing around with the combination. They're going to stay together indefinitely until I change my mind.

The combination gives me a decently fast 56mm equivalent picture taking machine. I can open it up and close focus or stop it down and set it to the selected aperture's hyperfocal distance and photograph with impunity. Without having to focus the E-1's shutter trips almost instantly. I'm also using full manual settings. I can't believe how tiny the whole thing looks and feels.

I took the photograph because I was charmed by the weave and texture of the teddy's "fur". I'm also playing with black and white textures, and using subtle toning as well.

Texture Experiments

This is one of the many teddy bears that have collected about the house over the decades. Photographed with the E-1/OM 28mm combination, processed with Lightroom 3 and Silver Efex Pro 2.

What I've quickly learned is that the E-1's OVF is bright, but not bright enough to do critical focusing in dim light. The fact the lens is an f/2.8 makes it a forgiving lens with regards to focusing. There is far too much emphasis on fast glass for speed's sake. Very fast is big and expensive, especially if you want it optically corrected to the nth degree (think Leica).

E-1 with OM 28mm 1:2.8


This blog post marks my 1,000th blog posting. Here's to the next 1,000.


  1. Congratulations Bill! Although I missed out on your earlier posts I have very much enjoyed your blog after finding it this year. Keep up the good work!

  2. Congratulations on breaking four digits – a huge achievement.


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