Friday the 15th

So it's Friday the 15th. That special date two days later than the 13th when the undead with cameras come out of hiding and roam the landscape capturing the souls of the living...

So today, at the height of the heat and the humidity called lunchtime, I headed out to swelter again with my Olympus E-P2 and the Zuiko Digital 50mm macro and captured a few images. Fortunately for the living I didn't see any that had souls worth the trouble of capturing. So instead I turned my attention to what you see below.

Tiny Lavender

Today's little lavender flowers were in the same bed as yesterday's yellow flowers. There's more types that are blooming, but I like to spend a few minutes on just one type per day. It gives me something to look forward to my next trip past the same spot.

These little guys were even smaller than the yellow flowers, requiring I get even closer. I opened the lens up to f/4 to pick an even higher shutter speed. I felt that if the depth of field were deep enough, and the lens sharp enough at f/4, then the high shutter speed would eliminate any detail-destroying motion blur via the camera or the flowers themselves.

Urban Automotive

This flaming yellow Mexican-style building was taken late afternoon on Thursday, as I was driving home from the Toyota dealership. I'd had to drop the Prius off to have them look at the A/C blower; it was deciding to intermittently quit, which is quite annoying during the heat of the day. This is just east of the intersection of Old Winter Garden and Mercy Drive, on Old Winter Garden.

Sandhill Cranes

The sandhill cranes are back and feeding around the office. I can't tell if they're the same pair I've seen around here over the years. I got close enough with the E-P2 and the 50mm to grab a few photographs. I'm always wary of these guys; when they stand up straight their bills are at the same level as my biceps on my arms. I don't get too close so they can hit me. They tend to back off if I do get too close. I try not to chase them, as I don't want them flying off. I increased saturation all over the photo, then turned off the green channel's saturation to make the grass look black and white.

Luncheon Garbage

I wouldn't have known this was here if I hadn't first smelled it a good distance from the dumpster. If you thought the living dead got a little ripe in sweltering heat, then you should have been around to get a snooze full of this lovely bouquet.

This charming spot lies behind the new IHop restaurant, where the Krispy Kreme once served coffee and doughnuts. I took a quick look into the dumpster and saw that it was less than half full. I have no idea why dumped the bags were too lazy to put the rest of the trash in the dumpster, but there you go. This was post-processed again with Silver Efex Pro 2. I was looking for a black and white effect that would pick out all the details in the photos. This almost, in certain areas, looks like HDR. Almost.

Study in BMW Textures

Something about the play of light on this BMW wheel in the parking lot caught my eye. Silver Efex provided just the right preset effect to bring out the detail and texture of the wheel.


Everything taken with the Olympus E-P2 and the ZD 50mm. Post processing done with Lightroom 3.4.1 and Silver Efex Pro 2.


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