Recycling In The Large




While waiting to be seated for dinner at a local Olive Garden on International Drive (the home of the former King Henry's Feast), I strolled across the parking lot and onto the site of the old Race Rock, now being rebuilt into a new venue.

It's interesting to be seeing this kind of construction going on, and when we finished our meal and drove home, it was interesting to see all the crowded venues and restaurants on that end of International Drive. Business was good this evening, and I suppose it's picking up on the south end of International Drive, especially around the Orange County Convention Center, which is where the construction is occurring.

I managed to walk about a bit and take a few snaps before a security guard warned me I couldn't do that. They guy was nice enough, and the reason given was I was on private property and it's still a construction zone. Stumbling around at twilight, I was at risk for hurting myself, and in these highly litigious times they didn't want me hurting myself on the site and then suing them for... whatever. I can certainly understand that. At least it was better than being chased off because I might have been some terrorist.


Everything taken with the HTC myTouch camera. All top images post-processed as high contrast. The bottom image was post-processed as twice as 'Lively', which is the myTouch version of Vivid on Olympus cameras. I ran it twice to pick up the colors. I'm thinking of now running photos through two or more of the post processing effects, just to see what I get.

I also discovered something very interesting with regards to operating my smartphone. Even though I was getting three to four bars of signal on my smartphone, I couldn't upload the photos from the location where I took them. I don't know why, but I have t theory that because this was International Drive, and because there was a convention going on, that all the available wireless bandwidth/connectivity was being soaked up by all the connected convention goers. These didn't get posted until I was able to get home and use good old WiFi.


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