Utah, Scam Capital of America

  • "Their religious belief is that they'll bleed the beast, meaning the government," said Mark Shurtleff, Utah's attorney general. "They hate the government, so they'll bleed it for everything they can through welfare, tax evasion and fraud.

    Anderson Cooper 360 Blog, CNN

  • Utah's Reputation as America's "Scam Capital" Grows

    The Utah state legislature has passed a "safe harbor" amendment to its anti-pyramid scheme statute that legalizes the types of schemes that have been prosecuted by the FTC and other states over the last 30 years. Utah has the highest concentration of multi-level marketing scheme headquarters per capita of any state in America.

  • Utah Company's 'Mortgage Scam'

    The Salt Lake City headquarters of the big mortgage company, Fairbanks Capital, seems almost under siege, with accusations the company has been cheating some of America's most vulnerable homeowners...

    Fairbanks charged Jill Potts hundreds of dollars for house insurance, even though she contacted them by phone, fax and certified mail telling them she was already insured.

    "I was pulling my hair out, going, ‘You have got to help me.'" But Potts said the company would not acknowledge that she already had homeowners insurance.

    The reason is revealed in a legal declaration by a former Fairbanks employee: "It was Fairbanks' practice to ignore such correspondence and leave the insurance on the account."

    But now, with two federal investigations underway and lawsuits piling up, Fairbanks' biggest shareholder, PMI Capital in California, promises a cleanup - beginning with the removal of Fairbanks senior management.

And you wonder how the SCOX scam ever got started, let alone how it's lasted this long. Wonder no longer. And one more thing. This country isn't ready for a Mormon president, and I hope it never will be.


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