419ers still out there, still trying to defraud

In spite of the story where 77 "419" email scammers were arrested and 2.1 billion in fraudulent checks were recovered, I still continue to get such emails on a nearly daily basis. For example:
Dear Friend,

Good day to you. I write to seek your cooperation as my foreign partner and your assistance to enable us to own properties and invest in the stable economy of your country. I apologize if this mail does not suit your personal or business ethics.

My name is Dr. Terry Mambo, my colleagues and I am making this venture proposal to you in strict confidence. As senior civil servants in the South Africa Government, the South African civil service laws (Code of Conduct bureau) forbid us to own foreign accounts. The money we have in our possession is an overdue payment bill totaling Twenty Six Million, Four Hundred and Twenty Six Thousand US Dollars ($26,426,000.00) which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and co-operation of a company / or an individual to receive the said funds, via a reliable Bank Account.

If you will like to assist us as a partner, then indicate your interest after which we shall both discuss on the modalities. All other information to facilitate the remittance of the funds will be revealed to you in due course. For your assistance, you shall receive 30% amounting to US$7,927,800.00 of the US$26.426Million, 60% amounting to US$15,855,600 for us and 10% amounting to US$2,642,600 will be used to settle taxation and other miscellaneous expenses in the course of transferring the funds to your account.

Please indicate your direct telephone and direct fax number when replying this business proposal preferably through my alternative address as this is my only confidential email address: drterrymambo@yahoo.com , I will call you when necessary. If you are not interested, please also indicate so that it will enable me to contact other foreign partner with recommendations to carry out this deal.

A swift acknowledgment of your receipt of this mail will be appreciated.

Thank you and God bless you.

Best regards.

Dr Terry Mambo
Executive Accountant
Department of Transport (DT)
Republic of South Africa (RSA)
Private email address: drterrymambo@yahoo.com

Dear Dr. Terry,

Thank you for making this generous offer to me in strictest confidence, along with the millions of others who found your message in their email in-box. It makes me feel so special that you choose me as your potential business partner. And 30% of that 26 million is a truly tempting offer (assuming you have such an amount).

But you know what, your 'business' offer is plain old fashioned stealing, regardless of the culture involved. That 26 million and change came from somebody somewhere, and I'm sure the real owners would like to get it back. I'm equally sure that somebody, somewhere, will fall for this latest scam. The law of averages and general human stupidity are unfortunately on your side. I especially like where you want me to respond whether I will help you or not. Nice little touch of social engineering; you at least get positive confirmation of an email addy. I'd love to stay and chat but you are, after all, low-life scum, and I try to avoid such as you whenever possible.


William Beebe


  1. I think this is the coolest thing I've ever read. Kudos, Daddio.

  2. for your many fans Bill,

    I bring to your notice a site i follow a lot. http://www.scambusters.com/

    Its truly amazing hnow many people fall for things that REALLY ARE too good to be true.

    Lots of great entries in your blog lately.


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