Fedora Core 4 - Fixing an OpenOffice Update Problem

When I installed Fedora Core 4 (FC4), I upgraded over FC3 rather than installing a fresh copy. I wanted to see what possible problems might crop up. Over time a number have surfaced as I've used my system. One of the problems that came to light had to do with OpenOffice.

OpenOffice was updated from version 1.1.3 on FC3 to 1.9.104 beta on FC4. Everything went well except that the upgrade installed every language pack for OpenOffice. As an American English speaker I didn't install the packs under FC3. I didn't find out about the situation until I attempted to pick up the OpenOffice 1.9.113 upgrade via up2date.

I got rid of the 42 language packs using yum, the command line package manager. The command was
yum remove openoffice.org-langpack*
which then found and removed all the language packs. Once that was done I was able to upgrade (to my satisfaction) to the latest OpenOffice 2 beta.

And one other thing. Up2date is still broken. I have to manually check to see if there are any updates to install rather than having the alert automatically indicate updates (the red exclamation). The notification button is now just a launcher for the dialog.


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