Little Orlando Stories Around the Edges
Orlando Union Rescue Mission - Central Blvd There's not a lot you can do when you're homeless and have no job. With the brutal collapse of the economy many who were the "working poor" are working no longer. The state, in its infinite wisdom, cuts back on human services and education while leaving such items as prisons (privatized and state-run) untouched in the budget. The poor and children don't have the same lobbying muscle as our prisons. In today's twisted political algebra it makes more sense to jail people than to house and educate them so they avoid prison. Locally in Orlando we'd rather spend millions on a newer, more ugly "sports and entertainment center" where individually we can spend a small fortune each season watching spoiled millionaire pro basketball players, while blowing up the older arena so it can be turned into something else more profitable, more gentrified. In the mean time private services such as the Orlando Union ...