Chromium and Linux

I've been reading about Chrome on Linux, i.e. Chromium, these past few weeks. The most positive article was published on Ars Technica ( Chromium popularity rising on Ubuntu, gains 64-bit support ). Of particular interest to me is the success of porting their V8 Javascript engine to 64-bit. Either as part of Chrome/Chromium or as a stand-alone engine, V8 is a fascinating piece of software. The fact that all of Chrome is going to be 64-bit native, and running on 64-bit Ubuntu, makes the Chrome/Ubuntu combination very interesting. As usual there's no specific release date for Chromium, let alone 64-bit Chromium, but a date isn't really needed when there is significant and clearly documented progress. I'm certainly not going to get my hopes up. I've been disappointed by Linux's lack of quality across the distributions too many times to suddenly forgive and forget. The best course of action is to simply monitor the situation with an eye towards installing the next re...