Last forced upgrade of Second Life carries adware: FALSE POSITIVE

I walked into work this morning and turned on my notebook, and what am I greeted with but a Symantec AntiVirus Notification that there is adware, Adware.CPush , as part of the Second Life uninstaller. This showed up after a forced upgrade of the Second Life client software over the weekend. I barely have time for a first life, let alone time to waste in Second Life. I got involved October of last year out of curiosity, based on comments from Dr. Roger Smith of PEO-STRI. Since then my sojourns into Second Life have been infrequent at best, and every time I have fired it up I've been forced to download and install one client upgrade after another. Looks like it's time for me to move on and reclaim a bit of disk space being consumed by the Second Life client. UPDATE Looks like I was too trusting of Symantec. The detection of Adware.CPush in the Second Life uninstaller was a false positive. I found an entry on Roger's Information Security Blog that detailed the same problem, ...